Monday, December 31, 2007

Drifting towards the Horizon

Yesterday! was a trough that held all the tears, a sorrowful year pricking the heart and letting it bleed. The helplessness in the eyes that surrounded our world. Those close to the heart shed tears of blood. Thankless it has turned, heartless all men and women i thought. The dusk was so dull and timid. Least did it promise a better tomorrow. Night was long and chilling. Nightmares lurred above my head forcing me to keep my eyes wide open. Looked out of my window to see the crackers bursting in the sky thanks to those whose life was a little less dry than mine..
Crackers burst and there it spelt the magic words " Happy New Year! Happy 2008 " Did bring a smile to my face. Turned around looked at my mom, calmly sleeping she was may be the best sleep she had the year that went by. Woke her up and wished her the begining of the new dawn.. and a new life. It was her birthday too. Wished and slowly the excitement dwindled down.. Sleepy may be.. Not me. I lay there with the celebration in my eyes.
Felt like i was sailing in search of the horizon or was it the end of the world that i was longing for? Looking out of my window slowly the celebrations concluded, now there were the stars and there was me. i kept looking towards the farthest point that i could see from my window. Before i realized my eyes were filled by the golden rays of the sun. The dawn had set in and the night was over and the new day, a new month , a new year has set into my life.. I had sailed all night.. sailed as far as i can and there it was the horizon and not the end of the world... I was waiting for this day for long. The horizon, there it was as bright as the sun and shining like the brightest star. Hope that sprouted in me has a new life and is as green as the lush green lawn in heaven. Flowering every minute and fruits so sweet bringing life back to world around me.
Now i realize 2007 was just a long and high tide that took me away from this wonderful morning while i was drfiting towards this garden of life, while i was drifting towards the horizon.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pinned Up close to the heart!

May be that day i got up from the other side of my bed, or was it because i was determined to change the way i look at things. Red signal at the cross junction meant more time to observe the fast moving world! and not a waste of time.. presentation at the college didn't go that well as expected, may be it did but i wanted it to be better and next time thrive for more. Luck was not on my side the entire day, may be it was to make me strong rather than rely on luck to do the rest! Take the initiative and may be realize the side i am on is greener in reality. May be that day i was to realize i was not alone when i thought 'whoosh! that was close', there were a million pedestrians who actually feel lucky to get home unscratched especially on days when i sped past them on the bike. Pessimism crept in long back but that day hope popped up and brightened the silver lining may be something good was climbing up the stairs. Twinkle in the eyes of a kid crossing the road woke up the senses, may be the it was the flash that cleared the bad memories, wiped clean the slate. Signs that were clear, which i never understood and never interpreted correctly, that day it was as clear as the stories my grandma told me.
Indications and signs will always present itself, but how we interpret it and how we let it mold our decisions is were the difference lies. May be the helplessness in a physically challenged person's eyes will make us debate on god's existence or it will make the god in us to rise and do the needful to make that person smile.